Thank you for letting go!

This year I am doing a switch on the usual ritual of letting go of people at this time of year.

Instead, I am thanking those individuals that left my life. The people who realized we were no longer a fit and they did what they needed to do by exiting.

See I am that person that will know deep down inside that it’s time to head on a new path, however I stay.

I stay because I worry what will they think?

I stay because everyone in our circle of friends seems to be okay with this person, so I try harder to make it work.

I stay because we live in a culture that promotes words like BFF and ride and die friendships.

Do I really need the Facebook or Instagram page that has 200+ friends that I don’t really know? Is my self-esteem tied to having an entourage? I know it’s not instead I worry about hurting someone’s feelings. Today a friend reminded me that the majority of people are lost in their own thoughts and world.

Thank you for leaving so I could be me and you could be you! It’s nothing personal, it’s a change of season and it’s healthy to move on.

May we all find the courage in 2018 to be like the people in our lives who moved on for their highest good, may we do the same for ourselves.

Cheers to 2018

2018 photo

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