Fall a Magical Time

The beautiful colours of Fall are breathtaking.

During this cooler time of the year, it’s magical to watch the leaves fall from the trees preparing for the cooler weather ahead.

Every year the trees trust to follow the same pattern knowing that once again in the Spring their leaves will bloom again.

If we watch nature, we can learn a lot. Fall is a great time for us also to slow down from the busy Summer months.

Fall can be a check point into reviewing goals and dreams. To let go of which ones no longer fit and to start to prepare to go inwards during the colder months to plant seeds of ideas to bloom in the Spring.

Following the pattern of nature, the Fall and Winter months are a good time to rest and plan out what life goals you would to achieve in the new year. Take the time during these seasons to research, and organize ideas.

The colder months allow us the opportunity to be still with ourselves and hear our inner voices. Take the time to listen and nurture what you hear to allow it to grow and manifest in the Springtime.Fall leaves photo

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