Daily Quotes

I live by quotes and like to write my own to motivate me!

The words we speak to ourselves is the food that feeds our spirit. Be loving with your self talk.

— Jacqueline

Stand in your light and know your shadow is an illusion!

— Jacqueline

Thoughts travel fast be mindful of which one you choose to ride with!

— Jacqueline

Believe in the magic of life by looking for the sparkle!

— Jacqueline

Life’s battles may leave scars however every warrior gains strength.

— Jacqueline

Oneness can be achieved when we all see the love in our hearts vs the hate in the outside world.

— Jacqueline

When the real world gets heavy…create a world of lightness!

— Jacqueline

Stepping forward will eventually get you to where you want to go.

— Jacqueline

Live an awakened life – be present to what you need to do and be!

— Jacqueline

Stillness allows the sounds of the world to entertain us.

— Jacqueline

When one human falls the rest will slowly tumble down too!

— Jacqueline

Life’s battles may leave scars however every warrior gains strength.

— Jacqueline

Oneness can be achieved when we all see the love in our hearts vs the hate in the outside world.

— Jacqueline

Look into the eyes of people around you for there is much to be understood.

— Jacqueline

Spring brings renewal to the soul as the earth thaws breaking free new life.

— Jacqueline

Communication is a 2 way channel.

— Jacqueline

Love transcends physical realities, we are always connected to our deceased loved ones.

— Jacqueline

During the times that the load seems heavy give yourself permission to stop. Not for a minute but for the time that you truly need.

— Jacqueline

Slumber calls my soul each night to release it’s daily travels.

— Jacqueline

Greet each day with curiosity!

— Jacqueline

Be You! Be you! Be fabulously you, that’s all you have to do!

— Jacqueline