
Planting Seeds In Children


“What do you want to be when you grow up?”, is the standard question that we ask children. This question is usually related to an answer relating to a profession. Are there more open ended questions we could be posing to children that allow self discovery vs role identification.

For generations we have set a similar path for our children, with the hope that each generation will do better than the previous. The measurement has mainly been on external factors such as employment, wealth, and material gain. The time has come for the measurement to include being in touch with our inner self in determining who we become in the world.

Every parent spends time reciting the ABC’s and practicing counting with their child. We teach colors, animals, and many other academic concepts.

What if we included questions that focused on developing character by asking more open ended questions during childhood:

  • Who are you?
  • What inspires you?
  • What brings you joy?
  • What do you wonder about?
  • What interests you?
  • How do you feel?
  • What do you want the world to know about you?

Could we open the doorway for more creative thought by exploring these questions and following the lead of the child. Building discussions that focus on emotional development and inner reflection. Creating an environment early in life that values not only what the child knows but also what they feel.

Children start out in life by learning through their five senses. It is crucial that we continue to develop their ability to uses their senses to guide them in life; allowing the development of intuition and gut feelings to be trusted. The mind and body connection creates a balance to living life in our complex times.

The next time you are with a child be curious, get down to their level and find out what they know by observing and asking stimulating questions.

babies photo

Photo by Yuchao.L