About Me

Welcome to Living Awakened,

In a world where the mind is highly valued, it’s not always easy to let go and trust a feeling vs fact. Practices like mindfulness and meditation have become more mainstream, guiding us to go within and get in touch with our inner selves.

When time is spent ‘Being vs Doing’, living a balanced life is more attainable. The human pattern of being busy can disconnect us from our true selves. The noise drowns out the inner voice that resides in each of us, often causing us to become lost.

It is my goal as I enter a new phase in life – to live more aligned to my inner wisdom – to define myself less by societal measures.

I know there are many other people asking similar questions – “How can I be more authentic?”, “Who am I within the roles I have in life?”, “Can I find stillness within the chaos?”

Join me as I explore topics related to living an awakened life. I hope you will comment and be part of my community.

What Awakened Me?
I believe I came into this world ready to do things differently. I was born a 10 pound breech baby, who was turned the ‘right way’ to make my entrance – and the world still seems upside down to me at times.

As a child I questioned everything – I often wondered about systems that stated they were inclusive and open yet were underlined with judgments and limitations. I quickly learned it was easier to assimilate and fit in, than stand outside the crowd. How often do we do this?

After many years of ‘playing the game’, I realized still within me was the baby facing the wrong way. I began to wonder about life – the choices we’re given as young adults – usually the safe and well paved road, that everybody has walked. The irony in the word ‘Mid-life crisis’ which I view as a ‘Mid-life wake-up’ – a time where our true self says “it’s my turn to be in charge” – searching for the dreams, and beliefs left along the way. Mid-life wake up is a time to let go of the external script and turn inwards to connect with our inner knowing. To find find a way to bring that part of us into our life.

My mother made her transition in 2006, and that stirred within me the quest to live a Heart Centered life – creating real connections to people. Leaving a bit of me with someone after meeting them and taking a part of them with me. Living this way made me feel alive! Life from this lens became more fulfilling as my world expanded to include random moments of joy-filled engagement with strangers.

In 2013, I experienced a near death health challenge while on vacation which shook my core and set me on another self-discovery adventure. However, being a card carrying member of the Comparison Club, I forgot the lessons of that experience and focussed again on fitting in which slowly dimmed my spark.

I decided to start a blog because writing is a passion I buried since leaving school. I took all the steps needed to create it and then fear became my best friend. During a trip in 2016, I faced my fear of heights by choosing to Zip Line over the rainforest – it’s now time for me to face my fear of making my writing public! I choose to live by my favourite Wayne Dyer quote “Don’t die with your music still inside you.” Writing is my music and it’s time to free fall by writing this blog – my biggest lesson while Zip Lining.

One Love