Month: October 2017

Who’s in your circle?

Who’s in your circle?

You make your first friends in preschool and at that time in your life the relationship is innocent. Your friends are the same age and usually at the same developmental age level.

As you move through life your friends are pulled from a broader area – school, sports, clubs, faith and community groups. You find commonality due to interests and activities.

Then adulthood creeps in and you find yourself with a variety of friends.

Have you ever stopped to take inventory to see who’s in your circle?

Are the people in your life motivating – do they cheer you on to do your best?

Do you have people in your circle that takes you out of your comfort zone?

It’s important to have people around you that are going to push you to try new things and go beyond where you are right now. Part of life is stretching yourself to reach new goals.

Take a moment to think about what you want to achieve in life, are there people in your life who are able to be role models or mentors to help you get there.

Create a list of the people in your circle and jot down what they bring to your life. If you find you are missing mentors or role models, seek them out and expand your circle.

Challenge yourself to create circles that serve different purposes so that you don’t find yourself in the same place in 3 months, 6 months or a year!
group of friends photo